
Research, Vijaya’s Efficacy for Top Five Chronic Diseases

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Chronic diseases are currently the most prominent causes of death worldwide, and this toll is predicted to increase further in the coming years. They affect public health and severely impact societies and economies around the globe. 

Such health conditions are persistent, recurring, and exhibit long-lasting effects. They are of a longer duration, usually over three months or more, and progress slowly. Poor dietary habits, lack of physical activity, and excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption are significant factors contributing to the development of chronic diseases.

While there are numerous illnesses that can be considered chronic, the top five chronic conditions that lead to the highest morbidity, mortality, and healthcare burden include-

Conventional medications and treatment methods for these diseases showcase several drug side effects, such as

  • Infection
  • Fatigue
  • Heart issues
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Digestive issues
  • Dizziness

Numerous commonly prescribed drugs can damage the body’s vital organs like the eyes, kidneys, liver, and heart. Such medicines can also cause certain medical complications, which can often be severe and lead to hospitalization or disability. 

Hence, the science of Ayurveda prescribes the potent herb Vijaya, revered for its wide-ranging medicinal benefits. Ayurvedic physicians have used it for centuries to manage various health conditions and their symptoms. 

Let us look at how this herb approaches these chronic conditions and what modern clinical trials and medical studies say about it. 

Studies Showing Vijay’s Medical Benefits in Relieving the Top 5 Global Chronic Diseases


Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the major causes of death globally. According to WHO, in 2023, over 1.28 billion adults aged between 30 and 79 years worldwide face hypertension. 

It can be caused by plaque buildup in the blood vessels, thyroid, obstructive sleep apnea, kidney diseases, and side effects of certain painkillers and prescription medications.

  • 2021 study showed that Vijaya helped reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in older adults with hypertension and balanced their heart rate.
  • Another 2023 report showed that using medical cannabis was associated with an overall reduction in blood pressure rates among people.
  • The findings of a 2020 research showcase that Vijaya induced a relaxation in blood pressure units among patients suffering from hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity. The herb achieved this through the vasodilatory effects of its compounds, meaning that it relaxes the blood vessels to reduce the burden on the body’s cardiovascular system.
  • Researchers in Croatia conducted a study in 2023 and found that Vijaya reduced arterial blood pressure among individuals suffering from Grade 1 Hypertension by interacting with the body’s chromaffin cells, which regulate blood pressure, response to stress, and other crucial functions.


Diabetes is a major chronic disease affecting over 530 million adults worldwide. Additionally, nearly 98% of diabetes diagnoses are Type 2 diabetes. Excess sugar intake, obesity, inactivity, improper diet, and genetics play a role in developing this disease. Diabetes is the primary cause of kidney failure, heart attacks, blindness, stroke, and lower limb amputation. 

  • study found that the cannabinoids THC and CBD in Vijaya helped reduce blood glucose levels, increased insulin production, and improved metabolism in people with type 2 diabetes. Boosting metabolism further leads to decreased fat in the liver and lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Being overweight or obese is a significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Studies showed that using Vijaya was associated with lower fasting insulin and a lesser waist circumference, thus reducing the chances of facing type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  • Another study published in the Diabetes Care journal found that the THC in Vijaya remarkably decreased the fasting plasma glucose levels, enhanced pancreatic function and insulin production, and raised adiponectin levels, a protein responsible for regulating blood sugar. 
  • An American study showed that using this herb helped diabetic patients achieve 16% lower fasting insulin levels and 17% lower measures of insulin resistance. Furthermore, they were more likely to have smaller waistlines.


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and affects over 15 million adults every year worldwide. In this condition, inflammation and joint injury lead to bone degeneration, deterioration of ligaments and tendons, and cartilage breakdown, causing joint pain, swelling, and deformity. Increased weight can further add stress to the joints like hips and knees, thus worsening the issue.

  • Research shows that Vijaya’s cannabinoids can interact with the body’s ECS to ease osteoarthritis pain and other symptoms. 
  • survey conducted by EULAR found that more than 57% of people with arthritis used Vijaya, among which 97% said it improved their symptoms.
  • Additionally, a 2022 study showed that the herb’s CBD caused over 83% improvements in pain, 66% in sleep quality, and 66% in physical function in arthritic patients. It also helped them reduce the intake of conventional medications for the condition.
  • Canadian study showed that Vijaya’s anti-inflammatory properties allow it to attenuate early-phase inflammation and prevent the development of osteoarthritis-related pain and nerve damage. The researchers found the herb to be a safe and valuable treatment for osteoarthritis and its symptoms.


Osteoporosis is another major chronic health issue and the most common bone disease, affecting over one in five men and one in three women over 50 worldwide. It develops when bone mass and mineral density decrease, thus reducing bone strength and increasing the risk of breakage. Low physical activity or inactivity, alcohol consumption, and, most importantly, low calcium intake can cause this disease. 

  • study conducted in Israel showed that the active chemical components of Vijaya, THC, on consumption, activate the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the bone cells and the bones’ nerve terminals. It allows the herb to regulate bone formation, inhibit bone resorption, and protect the skeleton against osteoporosis-induced bone loss.
  • Another 2022 study found that Vijaya can be an effective treatment option for patients with osteoporosis because of its potent mechanism and action upon the endocannabinoid system.
  • 2020 review demonstrated that the collaboration between Vijaya’s cannabinoids and the body’s ECS plays a vital role in bone healing and establishing bone homeostasis, making the herb a potent therapeutic for orthopedic conditions like osteoporosis. 
  • These findings were reaffirmed by another 2020 study, which showed that Vijaya’s CBD enhanced fracture healing and bone repair. It further stated that the body’s Endocannabinoid (EC) activity protects against bone loss, so modulating the ECS by binding with its receptors allows the herb to influence bone health.


As per a recent review, Dysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation, is the most commonly reported gynecological issue, experienced by over 50-90% of women in their reproductive years worldwide. 

This recurrent pain and abdominal cramping during periods happens when the uterus contracts to shed its lining.

  • 2022 research found that Vijaya can be an effective medication for Dysmenorrhea-associated period pain because of the herb’s interactions with the body’s Endocannabinoid (EC) receptors. 
  • Various global studies have shown Vijaya’s incredible pain-relieving properties and a tolerable safety profile and reported significant improvements in pain, function, and quality of life.
  • As per a survey, over 85% of women reported using Vijaya for managing their menstrual pain, among which nearly 90% found it effective for relieving their condition.
  • 2019 review showed that the herb’s strong pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties were helpful in soothing menstrual pain and other menstrual discomforts like lower abdominal cramps and lower back pain, which are prominent dysmenorrhea symptoms. 

What Makes Vijaya Such a Versatile Therapeutic Herb?

Vijaya’s potency lies in its interaction with the body’s ECS, or the Endocannabinoid system. 

It contains hundreds of organic compounds called cannabinoids. The two primary cannabinoids are CBD and THC, which have gained traction due to their non-intoxicating therapeutic benefits. They are non-addictive and don’t show any withdrawal symptoms, possessing an excellent safety profile and tolerability.

The ECS is a complex cell-signaling system in the body that regulates a wide range of biological, physiological, and psychological processes. Its cannabinoid receptors are spread throughout the body, including the bones, digestive organs, brain, spinal cord, nervous system, etc. 

On consumption, Vijaya’s cannabinoids target these receptors to produce their therapeutic effects, alleviate health conditions, and restore balance to the system. The herb’s natural and safe approach to managing various diseases makes it a desirable mode of treatment for patients worldwide.

Find out more about how you can benefit from the invaluable Vijaya by reaching out to Hempstreet and attenuating your chronic conditions naturally.


Hempstreet is India's first and largest research to retail player in the medicinal cannabis space with a network of 60,000 ayurvedic practitioners across the country.

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