Case Studies

Bilwadi Churna for Grahani and Good Gut Health

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Grahani is a disease with high clinical importance in the current period because of its direct relationship with poor eating habits and stressful lives. Grahani, also known as a pittadhara kala, is the major functional component of Mahastrotas.

IBS is characterized by stomach pain or discomfort that occurs in conjunction with changed bowel habits for at least three months in the absence of a detectable biological cause. The identification of major stressors/triggers such as emotional, bodily, and psychological discomfort, including anxiety and depression, is also part of the IBS diagnosis process.

Ayurveda defined the ailment as the transit of faces with constipation or diarrhea, as well as the presence of undigested or digested food particles. Thirst, pedal oedema, stomach cramps, discomfort, fever, and vomiting are additional symptoms of this condition. The symptoms of Grahani are like those of IBS. As a result, we can link the Grahani rog to IBS.

Case Description

A 19-year female patient came with complaints of passing stools after every meal for the last 8 months accompanied by recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort. This change in bowel habit made the patient refrain from eating as she had the fear of going to the washroom. Since the pain could be relieved only after defecation, the patient´s issue was diagnosed through Ayurvedic approach and Ashtavidh pariksha was done.

Dietary History Evaluation

  • History of sleeping late at night while having junk food
  • Alcohol intake 2-3 times a week

Physical Examination

Routine examination showed:

  • Dull pain abdomen persistent
  • Tenesmus on defecation
  • Lost 10 kgs in a year´s time


The patient was found to be suffering from Irritable bowel Syndrome/ Grahani after investigation.

Treatment Plan

The following treatment protocol was followed for treating the ama or toxins, balancing the three doshas viz. Vata-Pitta-Kapha and resetting the digestive system with a healthy bland diet, such as: Drinking buttermilk, eating soft rice recipes like khichdi, soups etc. Practicing Surya namaskar and Shavasana daily. Following the medication prescribed strictly.

Initially, the patient was given classical Ayurvedic medications which helped the patient moderately, but due to on and off relapse of the complaints, Bilwadi churna containing cannabinoids was added as adjuvant therapy.

Along with the medications, strict vigilance over the dietary and lifestyle modifications were thoroughly checked.


During the treatment period, the patient had strictly followed the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor including the medicines. Ayurveda evaluates IBS by looking for several underlying causes of increased GI motility and determining imbalances in the operating mode.

For a period of four weeks, Bilwadi churna was provided as an adjuvant therapy along with classical medications. The medication improved all clinical aspects of IBS as well as the IBS severity score statistically significantly.


Grahani is a disease with high clinical importance in today´s date because of its direct relation to poor eating habits. Mandagni is the root cause of Grahani roga and due to it all doshas vitiate, resulting in structural deterioration of Grahani, which in turn leads to Grahani malfunctioning. This results in infrequent evacuation of the colon, which can be hard or liquid.

This illness is not fatal, however it may make the patient be comfortable or stable till the proper medication is followed. Here, the practitioner as well as patient needs to have patience as cure may take time. Patients must learn to manage with the disease and lessen the symptoms of their disease if it is not treatable.


According to Ayurveda, constant use of incompatible food (spicy, greasy, frozen food), incorrect lifestyle (lack of exercise, sleep, etc), Roga (infections), and Vyadhikshamatva (poor immunity) produces a weakening of the Pachak Pitta (digestive fire), resulting in this gastrointestinal ailment. Rectal discomfort, irregular bowels, stomach cramps, weakness, exhaustion, weight loss, bloating, lack of appetite, abnormal bowel movement, blood in stool, diarrhea, and other symptoms are also the other symptoms of this health issue.

Bilwa’s Sangrahi virtue is quite beneficial in treating the increasing frequency of defecation and stool consistency. Along with bilva, cannabis or bhang increases its potency, provides relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) along with other add on properties such as Deepana, Pachan, Kaphahara, Vedanasthapak, and Rasayana in Bilwadi churna.


Published by: Hempstreet

Hempstreet is India's first and largest research to retail player in the medicinal cannabis space with a network of 60,000 ayurvedic practitioners across the country.

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