
The Truth About Cannabis: Benefits, Challenges, and Future

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The cannabis plant emerges as a fascinating entity, celebrated for its multifaceted applications. From its pivotal role in medicine to its contributions to food science and textiles, the cannabis plant’s diverse significance continues to impact consumers worldwide. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore the many dimensions of this remarkable plant and its far-reaching impact. 

A Brief History 

Cannabis’ first known use was recorded in religious ceremonies in Africa and India. The plant appeared in weak concoctions in religious ceremonies. In the 1850s, the Club des Haschichins in Paris celebrated recreational consumption. By the 19th century, Western scientists began to explore the plant’s potential as a sedative. 

In 1910, the US saw a rise in the recreational consumption of cannabis. Governments resorted to creating laws for its consumption. They made one of the first regulation acts- The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. It ended therapeutic consumption in the United States, followed by the removal of the plant from American and British pharmacopeia. 

The history of cannabis is complex and influenced by several spheres of politics, economics, and scientific research. 


In 2013, Uruguay was the first country to legalize cannabis. It included regulation of production, consumption, and distribution. 

Today, several countries have legalized cannabis. Some of them include- 

  • The United States of America (37 states) 
  • Canada
  • Mexico 
  • Argentina 
  • Belize 
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica 
  • Chile 
  • Ecuador
  • Jamaica 
  • Uruguay 
  • Czech Republic
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Israel
  • Lesotho
  • Thailand
  • South Africa
  • Australia 

Models of Legalization 

Different countries adopt different models around legalization. These models vary in the use of medical and non-medical applications. For instance, Malta restricts the sale of cannabis outside registered clubs. Canada mandates a federal license to retail any form of cannabis. Uruguay permits households to cultivate plants for their consumption. 

Analyzing laws involves carefully examining their intent, scope, and implications. The process requires identifying the country’s history, economics, politics, and social principles. It can help to form holistic laws specific to each country. 

Economic Implications of Legalization 

The current legal sales of cannabis in the United States amount to $24 billion. It is projected to reach $70.6 billion globally in 2028. In Colorado, 280,000 new jobs were added in the year of cannabis legalization. It contributed to 13.6% of the state’s employment growth. The marijuana industry also influenced the state tax revenue through marijuana sales. California benefited from more than $1 billion in additional tax revenue from cannabis in 2020.



The history of Cannabis is complex. The industry today is an outcome of colonization and models of legalization. While the new industry continues to grow, here are some of the challenges: 

  • Banking: Financial institutions hesitate to fund cannabis business or research. It is an outcome of regulations and social stigma. 
  • Supply chain: Challenges include complex distribution networks, transportation, and storage. Standardization of quality proves to be a challenge due to the lack of regulatory bodies. 
  • Legality: Cannabis-based companies need to navigate complex regulations. With the changing landscape of legalization, companies need constant vigilance to avoid violations. 
  • Taxation and Revenue: Cannabis products are subject to various taxes. This can impact pricing and the competitiveness of legal products.
  • Research: Inconsistent research regulations impact the future of cannabis research 

The Future 

Cannabis holds vast potential across medical, recreational, and industrial domains. In the medical sphere, it shines as a promising pain management solution. Research studies were conducted for conditions like neuropathy and arthritis. CBD-rich extracts show promise in reducing epilepsy-related seizures. Other promising applications include sclerosis-related pain, muscle spasticity, and mitigating side effects in cancer patients. 

Beyond physical health, select cannabis strains display anxiolytic and antidepressant effects. It offers a potential solution for sleep disorders, improving sleep quality for some. Cannabis has potent anti-inflammatory properties. CBD has become a contender for addressing conditions like Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Ongoing clinical studies explore its role in treating neurological and psychiatric conditions, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and PTSD.

Topical applications, such as creams and balms, offer localized pain relief. Additionally, certain cannabinoids show potential for substance abuse treatment. 

Hemp is a low-THC cannabis variety. It is used for fiber production for textiles, paper, and construction. Hemp seeds, rich in nutrients, serve as a valuable source of protein and essential fatty acids for dietary supplements.

Ongoing research reveals the vast potential of cannabis compounds for diverse applications. As we delve deeper, its benefits could revolutionize modern medicine and wellness.

Prospects for Cannabis-based Enterprises

Cannabis-related companies are mushrooming all over the world. In the future, they will need to actively empower consumers to explore favorable experiences. This experience will contribute to a holistic approach to health and wellness

In the evolving landscape of cannabis, a shift is underway as consumers seek products that align with their wellness. To meet these changing expectations, companies must engage in empowering consumers. Companies that invest in educating consumers will thrive in the future. 

For example, consumers will look for more robust product descriptions encompassing vital details such as terpene and cannabinoid profiles. 

Terpenes are aromatic compounds in cannabis that have distinct scents and flavors. Cannabinoid compounds like THC and CBD interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system. Terpenes and cannabinoids shape the benefits of cannabis, impacting both taste and therapeutic potential.

This shift calls for businesses to guide customers beyond surface-level decisions. 

The future of cannabis hinges on the transformation that places the power of choice back into the hands of consumers. 

Cannabis In India 

Cannabis in India spans a dynamic journey across time. In many communities, it symbolized a spiritual connection. It has a deep-rooted cultural presence across states. Bhang, a cannabis-infused drink, is still consumed during the festival of Holi. 

Cannabis was used in Ayurveda to induce anti-amyloidogenic, antioxidative, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects. Referred to in 1894 by the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission as “the penicillin of Ayurveda,” it was cited as “one the five most sacred plants on Earth.” Ayurveda is deeply rooted in Indian culture and history. Today, the Indian government recognizes Ayurveda as an official system of medicine. 

Hempstreet is India’s aproaches health and wellness through Ayurveda. The company provides products and services to help consumers suffering from pain, gut issues, mental health issues etc. 

For thousands of years, Cannabis has been used in Ayurvedic practices. Ancient scriptures have cited ”Vijaya” or ”Bhang” for its potential medicinal properties. 

Ayurvedic practitioners believe naturally grown plants are the best healers for our bodies. Cannabis’s historical use is part of the larger tradition of Ayurveda. Cannabis leaves have the ability to help manage more than 25 diseases.  Seeds are used to regulate tumors and cancerous ulcers.  The medicinal value of  Cannabis includes intoxicant, analgesic, narcotic, antispasmodic, anodyne, and sedative.

Cannabis’s extensive use in Ayurveda is a testament to the rich history of traditional medicine practices. It contributes to the overall understanding of natural remedies. The history of its application in Ayurveda is a stepping stone for ongoing medical research worldwide.

Legal Status in India 

Currently, cannabis remains illegal for recreational use. The 1985 Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of India categorized cannabis as illegal. 

India grapples with reconciling its historical relationship with cannabis and evolving global perspectives. There’s a growing interest in exploring its medicinal applications. 

While discussions around partial legalization and decriminalization gain momentum, many challenges exist. The major challenge lies in regulating and differentiating between recreational and medicinal use.

The future hinges on balancing cultural significance with international obligations and modern insights. By leveraging its rich heritage, India could embrace a nuanced approach to cannabis. The path forward involves addressing cultural, legal, and other complexities. 

Looking for companies in India in the cannabis space? Reach out to Hempstreet today! 


Hempstreet is India's first and largest research to retail player in the medicinal cannabis space with a network of 60,000 ayurvedic practitioners across the country.

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