The Sciatic nerve is the single largest and longest nerve in the body that originates from the lower back through…
What is IBS? IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition that affects the large intestine. It leads to problems…
The past year has not been helpful for many people to get a good sleep. The pandemic caused various stress…
This is a clinical case study that signifies the use of Trailokya Vijaya Vati in relieving pain in inflammatory joint…
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a disorder that affects the large intestine. It is characterized by severe abdominal pain and inflammation and comes with various other adverse symptoms like diarrhea, fatigue, constipation, bloating, gas, etc.
Many patients suffering from it have started resorting to Vijaya to get relief. It quickly acts on the gastrointestinal system to reduce pain and inflammation and help with IBS along with its symptoms. Find out more in this article about why Vijaya helps with IBS treatment, what studies say, and how you can leverage its potential for yourself.
The Endometriosis Society of India assesses that over 25 million women in India suffer from endometriosis. Yet, not only has…
“I sincerely believe that plant cannabinoids are a neglected pharmacological treasure trove.” That is what the father of medical cannabis…
The Endocannabinoid System or the ECS is one of the most crucial biological systems in the body. It is responsible for regulating numerous important functions in the body, such as sleep, appetite, mood, emotion, immunity, metabolism, etc. But its main function is the regulation of the body’s overall balance on physical, mental, and energetic levels. Scientifically, this balance is called Homeostasis.
सार: इरिटेबल बॉवल सिंड्रोम (आईबीएस) जठरांत्र संबंधी मार्ग में असुविधा पैदा करने वाली बीमारी का नाम है, जो एक बडी…
Cannabis medication is an emerging trend in today’s medical industry. Researchers and experts are fascinated by its extensive medicinal properties.…