Case Studies

Kameshwar Modaka: For the treatment of male sexual dysfunctions

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Abstract: This clinical case study exemplifies the use of Kameshwar Modaka in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation. Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation are the two most prevalent male sexual dysfunctions.

ED is the persistent inability to attain and maintain an erection sufficient to permit satisfactory sexual performance. ED affects physical and psychosocial health and has a significant impact on the quality of life of sufferers and their partners and their families as well.

PE is ejaculation with minimal stimulation and earlier than desired, before or soon after penetration, which causes bother or distress, and over which the sufferer has little or no voluntary control.

The role of Cannabis a.k.a. Bhanga as an aphrodisiac is an unexplored path through the centuries but our traditional literature mentions it as an effective aphrodisiac that opens windows of opportunities for research. Consumption of Cannabis releases Oxytocin which is otherwise known as THE BONDING HORMONE. This mechanism helps one to feel effectively close to a partner and perform well during the act.

This is a case of a 35 yr old male with complaints of Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation. He has been under treatment for the last 3 months and has had troubles in his married life because of his “situation”. He has been on regular follow-ups as well as has had very little improvement in his symptoms. A few weeks ago he was prescribed Kameshwara Modaka along with some other formulations. Kameshwara Modaka was the only addition made to his prescription in these 3 months, except that every drug was the same with the same dose and frequency.

Ayurveda Perspective

  • SHUKRAGATAVATA is a pathological entity of Ayurveda similar to premature ejaculation. This is a typical condition of VATA PRAKOPA which has been accumulated in the SHUKRAVAHA STROTASA
  • The VATAGHNA property of Bhanga helps to disseminate and eliminate excess to VATA DOSHA and plays an effective role in PE
  • Out of the 8 factors responsible for ejaculation, the most important factor is DRUTATVAT MARUTASYA i.e. the VATA influence. Hence erectile dysfunction is considered as a factor responsible for PE
  • The standard line of treatment for PE in Ayurveda includes VATAGHNA drugs/herbs along with VAJIKAR drugs/herbs. Bhanga has both the desired properties and hence is an ideal choice of drug in such as case


Sexual Dysfunctions especially in Males is still considered as a matter of shame in our society. In such conditions most of the patients do not accept the problems and simply choose to ignore them until it’s too late. On the other hand there are some who do not continue with regular treatment and exercises as prescribed. Also, there is a lot of impatience in the patients who continue with treatment after long hours of counselling. This situation calls for more effective formulations that can give better results and gradual but significant relief from the symptoms.

There are fewer effective formulations available and used by the current practitioners but they come with a list of side effects that can give rise to various other conditions in the patient. The use of Cannabis in the treatment of PE & ED gives a new ray of hope for the patients and the practitioners for an efficacious treatment.

Case Report

Patient description

This is a case of a 35 yr old male with complaints of Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation. He has been under treatment since the last 3 months.

Case history

The patient has had similar episodes in the past on and off but he did not see a doctor for the same. Recently the number of episodes has been increasing and there have been more troubles within the couple over his situation.

Treatment plan

Medicines to be used – Kameshwar Modaka. For the first 3 months, the patient was on traditional formulations only. Kameshwar Modaka was added to the prescription-only 2 weeks ago. Kameshwara Modaka was the only addition made to his prescription in these 3 months, except that every drug was the same with the same dose and frequency.

Expected outcome of the treatment plan

It was expected that gradually the patient could perform well in the act and would overcome his involuntary difficulties.

Actual outcome

The patient was satisfied with the new treatment and reported of improvement in his symptoms. On asked to describe his improvement on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least and 10 being the most, the patient described his previous standing as 3 out of 10 and current standing as 5 out of 10. He was hopeful that in a course of a few weeks he would definitely get better. He was asked to continue with the same treatment and practice Kegel exercises.


The treatment was decided on the basis of predominance of DOSHA and affected STROTASA. The Vijaya as mentioned is an effective VATASHAMANA and APHRODISIAC herb.


This case study shows that Kameshwar Modaka has promising results in the treatment of Male Sexual Dysfunction. Till recent times there has been no strong evidence for the role of Bhanga in the treatment of Male Sexual Dysfunctions but there is a strong literature backing to this treatment and also a strong hear say evidence. With appropriate research and clinical trials it can be proved that Bhanga and its other formulations can be chosen as the ideal drug of choice for the treatment of Male Sexual Dysfunction.

Case Study shared by: Dr. Varun Kumar Goel, Consultant Ayuvedacharya

Published by: HempStreet

Hempstreet is India's first and largest research to retail player in the medicinal cannabis space with a network of 60,000 ayurvedic practitioners across the country.

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