With 5% of the adult population suffering from Depression, the disorder seems to be spreading like wildfire!
Have you also often felt a sense of sadness and fatigue persistently as you lose interest?
Chances are that you may be struggling with depression, a mood disorder that involves a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest (DSM-5).
Overwhelming statistics on the steady rise in the diagnosis of depression highlight a multitude of factors.
This also includes the stigma attached to depression which has most of you driving yourselves to the edge. With the goodness of Cannabis and Ayurveda combined, see the miracles.
Looking for the best natural alternatives? Join us as we embark on this journey of understanding depression and how cannabis can help with it.
Understanding Depression
Understanding Depression
Manasika bhava (emotions) are the basics of human life which can fluctuate over time and events.
Most people may find it difficult to function normally for a certain period because of the frequent disturbances in their emotions, thoughts, or behavior.
If this feeling persists for a longer period and disrupts your flow of work and daily activities, then it is a major concern.
This can be a sign of depression, a mental disorder a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.
An estimated 21 million adults suffer from a spectrum of depressive episodes, representing 8.3% of the adult population.
However, due to the existing stigma attached to the depression has been pushing its victims to a corner.
Understanding depression’s mechanism is essential for tailoring the treatment for the patient. There are several types of mechanisms, they are as follows:
Psychological & Social
Depression and Ayurveda?
As unusual as it sounds yes, our ancient wisdom has the inputs and solutions about depression. Now that our dear audience is the beauty of the Ayurveda.
The divine Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda have addressed the issues associated with mental health.
This goes on to show that it was the stigma created by society during the evolution of mankind that has caused this.
But the question is, how does Ayurveda help?
It is the primary concern of the mind and the disorders associated with it. In its psychiatry branch, its texts study the ailments and the mind in the context of bootha vidya.
This emphasizes the clinical importance of the subject and the need for specialization. So let us know about the Ayurvedic principles of treatment:
With these in mind, let the ways that can be used as interventions to alleviate depression and if cannabis works.
Mahabharata and Ramayana
As per research conducted by ResearchGate, there have been traces found during the period of Ramayana and Mahabharata that indicate the presence of Depressive episodes in those times as well!
Depressions’s Interventions: Does Cannabis Help?
Depressions’s Interventions: Does Cannabis Help?
When we talk about cannabis, we mean medical cannabis. Its certifications are generally specific regarding medical conditions to limit the dosage and avoid adverse effects.
But why is it used as the intervention method for depression? Does it work?
The answer is yes, it works! Stemming from the family Cannabaceae with fragrant buds, cannabis is divided into three species.
Some of the main properties of the medicinal cannabis that can help with the following symptoms:
Pain relief
Appetite stimulator
Sleep-inducing components
As per the definition given by the Atharva Veda, cannabis, or “bhanga” is one of the five most sacred plants.
Thus, referring to it as the ‘Freedom for Distress’ or the ultimate ‘Joy-giver’ due to its purification methods that relieve the individual of problems.
With this in mind, we at Hempstreet work towards the betterment of the patient’s overall health including mental health.
Overall Inputs
With the spiking cases of depression across the globe, working on finding the most reliable therapeutic is essential.
Ayurveda, the ancient wisdom of the holistic health approach happens to be just that.
Combining its virtues and practices with medicinal cannabis can be the cause of revolutionary changes in the world of mental health.
Want to find out more? Connect with our experts at Hempstreet to know more about it!
Hempstreet is India's first and largest research to retail player in the medicinal cannabis space with a network of 60,000 ayurvedic practitioners across the country.