1. Medical Cannabis What Is Medical Cannabis? Medical cannabis, as the name suggests, refers to the cannabis herb and its…
एंडोकैनाबिनोइड सिस्टम और उसके कार्य को समझना (Decoding The Endocannabinoid System And Its Functions) मेडिकल प्रोफेशनल और हेल्थकेयर एक्सपर्ट मेडिकल…
Medical cannabis, or Vijaya, exhibits wide-ranging therapeutic properties. But the modern world remained largely ignorant of its divine health benefits.…
Bilwadi Churna is one of the most well-known Ayurvedic medicines to improve overall digestive function and health. It helps alleviate numerous acute and…
Since ancient times, Vijaya has been revered by Ayurveda doctors and has a long history of being used to improve…
The Sciatic nerve is the single largest and longest nerve in the body that originates from the lower back through…
Muscle spasms happen when one or more of your muscles contract involuntarily and are not able to relax. They are…
Did you know that Ayurveda has a long history of cannabis use, dating right back to 5,000 years ago? One…
सार: किशोर लड़कियों की स्कूलों से अनुपस्थिति के प्रमुख कारणों में एक डिस्मेनोरिया भी है। प्रोस्टाग्लैंडिंस के उत्पादन के कारण…
Psoriasis is a disease caused due to immune disorder. This disease is characterized by a chronic skin condition in which,…